This year was my second year having a vegetable garden. But I am in a different location than last year and the soil and altitude and other conditions are different. There was also the hottest June recorded. So the vegetable garden hasn't gone very well...much of it is dead. The radishes aren't dead, but the roots that grew were spindly and not edible. Apparently most likely they didn't get enough water. So, I will vicariously have vegetables this year by posting pictures of them on this blog.
I don't know if this is a radish, or a turnip. Or something else. I tried asking, but got a mixed response. So I am saying it's a radish (except I named the file "radish or turnip"). Anyway, I think it's kind of cool looking. It's good for garden related designs.
It comes from an old ad for seeds from the year 1909.
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